Monday, July 19, 2010

Limit the excuses

We can be our worst enemies in regards to the limits we place over ourselves.

How many times have you decided you couldn't do something before you've even attempted the task? If you have answered this question honestly it's probably at least two or three times you can recall and that's just too many in my book.

  • Remember our only true limitations are those which exist past the efforts you've already exhausted, without yielded results.
  • Have you tried to do everything within in your realm of possibilities and beyond to see a particular task to completion? If not try-try and try again.
Often times we use any excuse to delay the inevitable.
  • Such as paying bills, geting to work on time, calling someone back and moving forward.
  • Complacency is a necessary evil that exist when you are trying to move to the next level. (You can't let it drain you of your goals resist the temptation of throwing pity parties.)
  • Some things are destined to distract, delay and disturb us while we are moving ahead but it's how you handle yourself in the midst of adversity which will ultimate seal your outcome.
  • Learn to learn from past mistakes and relax while creating a new vision or strategy.
How do you take the limits off?
  • Push yourself like never before, you'll be surprise what you are made of.
  • Delete the words; can't, won't, hard and uneducated from your vocabulary while you are working on your uncompleted task.
  • Learn to acknowledge small strides while reaching for the gold, the prize you wish to achieve.
  • You'll actually have to retrain yourself into thinking that nothing is impossible or to hard. It's a process a form of progression but in the end you'll be satisfied with the results.

Lastly: Today writing this blog entry was a task. I couldn't remember my sign in and the time constraints were closing in on me fast but I've decided to write at least one entry per day without excuse. So remember no more limits or excuses they are unacceptable.

  • I've learned in-spite of me God will flow through me in the midst of chaos for the benefit of those who need to hear him speak!
There nothing impossible for God. (Matthew 19:26)But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I live to say great things!

"I live to speak, of Great and Profound things!"

Give me something to say with explosive content! I'll speak words that filters knowledge with the right urge to push you past your present day concerns. The type of speech which inspires you to reach inside yourself and pulls slothfulness out of you.

Note: Some words expressed daily serve no meaningful purpose, like rude, malicious content,rumors and slander. OK, I stand corrected degrading words do serve a purpose, to harm an individual's morale,character and possibly ruin their self-esteem, (But only if you let it!)

•Remember to let your haters motivate you past self-destruction. It's therapeutic.

There is some language, conversations and edifying speech that reinvent, invigorate, congratulate and sit so still within you that they eventually produce, invent and live eternally, because they are not just mere words.

If I could say something that tantalizes your ear-gate that not only awakens the dead things, but outwardly changes your thought process I will. Then I've truly said more than a word but created an atmosphere of change for you and me.

• Anyone can make you laugh with a word, a poem or a joke, but after the initial laughter what are you left with? (Just a thought.)

• Don't get me wrong I love to laugh out loud and inside. I may be the silliest person you may ever come in contact with. "I love life so I laugh often." But give me something that will help me grow and mature into a better person, then I'll take that over a lingering giggle, any day.

Let's recap:

1. Listener, do you hear me speak in a quiet whisper or do these words scream loudly to your spirit-man? You see my dear, I yearn to leave a lasting impression upon you.

2. Do you get what I'm trying to say? I want to speak loud and clear so you comprehend and get the point of my vain chatter. (Content and substance matters!)

3. Did you know every time you write or open your mouth to speak you have the opportunity to invoke change? Let's assume that this is something you did know. So does it affect your verbal material or maybe it doesn't even make you want to think before you speak. (Just food for thought!)

• Give me something to say that won't hurt the ears, but uplift those that take in the information given to them free of charge. Give me something to say that warrants research and consumption.

• Yes I live to say great things and share great knowledge. If I've challenged you to do the same then be an example today. Don't hold verbal edification in share your view point with someone in need of a word in season.

If you have a pile of useful information hanging around you collecting dust, will you share it? I hope so because gainful information is needed.

Note: This Blog Entry is a re-post from one of my online articles under the pen-name (CrimsonLore)*

Lost talent equals lost earnings.

It's a simple reality that untapped talents have contributed to lost earnings. Many sit on their God-given ability due to lack of funds, means and direction.

* Is it worth the challenge to pursue your money maker no matter the cost? Of course!

(You didn't lose your special gift it's just lying dormant?)

There are some who never even realize that they have a natural ability. I would call it an actual birthright a gift implanted within from the moment of conception. Such talent has to be awakened by some event or tragedy it usually fills a void in your life. Once your gift is discovered you usually have a feeling of freedom and purpose eluding passion from your very being.

(So how do you discover it, groom it and promote it so it will work for you?)

Most human beings have at least two innate abilities or talents.

* The first gift usually comes to the person noticeably at an early age, without any formal training a child can perform task with little help or no direction the skills just seem to radiate from them without effort.
* The second natural ability may take some training but it seems to be easy for the individual to grasp and horn as their own without stress or sweat. We've all have noticed child prodigies and handicap individual with strong abilities in the performing arts arena, who seem to wow us.

What I've noticed: Even as a young child I displayed strong capabilities in certain fields of studies but I didn't know how to encourage my natural ability, until recent. For some it could become tragic if talents aren't realized early in life and nurtured. Some skill sets aren't realized or perfected until later in life generally it's a summation of many acquired gifts that usually realigns your position and area of focus.

* If your talent is realized early you can convey through many genres, avenues, and various outlets. You can also grow into a wonderful individual who shapes his or her tomorrow by promoting themselves as a marketable product. I know that may sound tacky to call yourself a product but in some form or another we all are either brought or sold at sometime. At least if you are controlling what you sale then you have the power in your hands to shape your destiny.

* Once you know which skills seem to emulate from your possession with ease you could do many things with it. It can become your main means of income.

* Many people suffer from lack of interest in their current jobs because they are going through daily motions of a mundane job which doesn't fit their passion level.
* Most people don't know how to promote themselves and their talent therefore they grow frustrated and lose sight of their God-given talents as a means of residual income.
* There are those who hide their talents because of insecurities, fear, support and lack of funds to promote and pursue their gifting.

Listen up your talent doesn't have to be lost, buried or stolen from you. You can use your gifting to benefit you as you earn income being you, a wonderful individual filled with enormous capabilities that contributes to the world a unique piece of this wonderful puzzle called life.

* Do your research regarding the vocation you so desire. Take a refresher course in the field of study you wish to pursue.
* Market yourself and your ability on every free Internet site. Get the word out about you!!

Use your core influences to help you, many people long to mentor it's how they give something back to others.

* Make your gift unique to your personality.
* Never stop or give up on your dream to become the best at what you love doing for profit.
* Just remember every day you do something that doesn't bring you glory or gratifying income you deprive yourself and stifle your earning ability. Your earning potential is limitless.

Imagine getting paid adequately for something you love doing also something that takes little effort because it's a natural ability unlike none other.

Note: This blog entry is a re-post from one of my online articles of under my pen name, CrimsonLore)*

Waiting can be a blessing

Who would ever think that waiting can be a blessing but believe me it can.

Time and time again we try to make things happen in our own strength knowing that the thwarted efforts yield minimal if any rewards. (Why must we fight against the grain of purpose?)

a. At times we are consumed with making things happen and fit where they don't belong. (When will we learn delay is not denial.)
b. Sometimes we are being protected by God Almighty because he knows we are not ready to receive what we so desire. ( Either we won't appreciate it or we will not know how to handle it.)

c. This could become a distraction if we don't recognize our current position, instead of purposeful living we are inadvertently going in circles.
(This is induced stress which we put upon ourselves to make things happen faster.)
d. Just remember you can't rush or force God's hand to move on your behalf.

How do we learn to yield as we build our character to be able to patiently wait?

a. We must focus on the things which are priority and complete one task at a time.
b. Instead of forcing things to make sense in your limited time frame, How about you yield to some fun while your building your masterpiece.
c. ( Find a hobby, read, exercise or take a class to re allot some of the time you are wasting worrying about the outcome of a situation.)

  • Worrying is a wasted emotion what will be will be, in spite of your cares!

3. I challenge you to try something new. How about you put your faith in God to carry out the plans and purpose for your life. (God has All Power in His Hands, Knows All and See's All)

a. It's not easy to trust in a God in whom you've not seen especially when you are use to doing it all in your own strength. (But it's worth it, I'm a living witness.)
b. God grace is sufficient enough for today's troubles, He'll never let you fail.
c. Settle it in your heart and mind that good things come to those who wait.

  • How about you wait patiently for the promise that is waiting patiently for you to yield?
(Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with the wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary and they shall wall and not faint.)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Gentle Push

Lack of progression, stuck in a rut and mundane moments are fatal flaws, So here's a gentle push to encourage you to move past your last accomplishment.

  • How? Take inventory of what you are trying to accomplish next.
(Then quiet yourself, make a plan and execute the desire burning within you.)
  • When? Now do the leg work that it requires to move into your next area of greatness
Get motivated by remembering you've done great things before and will again.
  • Know that redeeming the time is essential in your continual growth. Know your limitations and strengths use them for your benefit to accomplish task.
  • Don't let lack of support, finances or time constraints stop you from moving ahead.
  • Sometimes we hinder ourselves by pausing and letting distractions grab a hold of us. (Learn to recognize the detours on the road of life)
Evaluate your current situation before you again get struck in a rut, then do something about! (It's possible you may have to try something different this time.)
  • I dare you to journey past your safe distance today by making a definite change.
  • Start with small strides until you graduate to bigger and better things.
  • Utilize what's in your hands. Most of us have many resources at our fingertips that we overlook on a daily basis. What do you have in your possession that can be of use to you that's laying dormant under your care?
Lastly remember to finish what you start. What you envision will come to fruition if you complete the task needed to bring it to past. Practice patience and be vigilant in your pursuits of your passion. (Habakkuk. 2:2-3) God's words tells us to write the vision and make it plan, though it tarry wait it, shall surely come to pass.